When to Put Up an Owl Box

When To Put Up Owl Box

When To Put Up An Owl Box

In Northern and Central California, Barn Owls will look for a safe location to devour their prey. They look for a dark hole and climb in. This will happen year-round. The Barn Owl will find a mate and decide on a nesting site in time for the October to March nesting season. Occasionally new nests for the season may be started as late as March but that’s getting late as peak hatches are in April. By July, most nest boxes have been vacated by the young who have flown to nearby trees or buildings for the final stages of their development. Note though that a number of authorities report that nesting will occur repeatedly throughout the year if the home and local food supply are present.

Determining when to put up an owl box is not a perfect science, but to encourage nesting in any given year, it is probably best to install the new Barn Owl Box before October for the winter nesting season, February at the latest.

Filler & Maintenance

There is no need to put any nest material inside the box. The owls will regurgitate pellets, consisting of undigested bones and fur into the box and the female will create a soft nest for the young by carefully breaking the pellets apart.. However, early on, because Owls bring in no nest material, you might add a ¾” layer of wood chips or wood mulch to prevent the eggs from rolling around. They should face into an open area away from prevailing winds.

A barn owl family will create three inches or more of debris in the box in one season. The box should be cleaned out using a trowel or other cleaning tool once a year during August or September.

NOTE: Cleaning the box can cause exposure to Hantavirus (Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome). For protection, rubber gloves and a good dust mask should be used during the process, and every effort should be made avoid exposure to the dust.

During the cleaning, the box should be inspected for damage, and appropriate repairs done. A few drops of oil applied to the hinges will prolong their serviceable life. After cleaning, add a layer of fresh wood chips about ¾“ deep to the box.